2023 -
Inspired by her painted autobiography entitled, "The Story of Me", Peyton Euriah continues her journey of self-discovery and realization of her and humanity's collective purpose in yet another convicting body of work called, "The Story of Children".
In this collection, Peyton urges audiences from every class, culture, and walk of life to reanalyze what our responsibilities to the world and to God are through how we treat and view children. These ten intense, powerful portraits depicting children of various ages and ethnic backgrounds, in all their innocence and transparency, invites the viewer to remember and reflect on what it truly means to protect, nurture, and bring up a child in the right way that they should go, because they are everyone's futures, whether we choose to acknowledge that fact, or not.
Making it a clear and adamant point throughout her journey of painting in each series that she creates, Peyton's desperate desire to help shift the collective society's heart-stance from one of selfishness, dissonance, and ungratefulness back to selflessness, harmony, and gratitude, according to the Most High God's will, is evident in her artwork. As Peyton always reiterates in her introductions of every collection she creates:
“Wholeness happens in multiples, and in multiple ways. Arrival is never just one destination. God shows us that the different stages of growth that we experience will repeat themselves time, and time again in different ways and through many challenges until we finally overcome them. The acceptance of this realization brings humility, causing one to finally surrender to the architect of their souls: God. This is true peace. True serenity.”
We’re all in this together.