“The Story of Me” is a series created by Peyton, The Artist that tells the story of her healing journey through 10 riveting oil paintings.
Depicting her journey of self-evolution, each self-portrait invites the viewer to experience the thoughts and emotions that Peyton was engulfed by during pivotal moments of growth in her life. Using 23k gold foil, sourced from Venice, Italy, in addition to rich oil paints and pigments, Peyton recreates some of her most painful, serene, and eye-opening experiences, exuding the mixed feelings that come with every stage of growth.
“The Story of Me” is a series created by Peyton, The Artist that tells the story of her healing journey through 10 riveting oil paintings.
Depicting her journey of self-evolution, each self-portrait invites the viewer to experience the thoughts and emotions that Peyton was engulfed by during pivotal moments of growth in her life. Using 23k gold foil, sourced from Venice, Italy, in addition to rich oil paints and pigments, Peyton recreates some of her most painful, serene, and eye-opening experiences, exuding the mixed feelings that come with every stage of growth.
To purchase a painting from this collection, go to Art from Peyton, The Artist | ARTmine ( .